Issue 56
Introduction In our speech and grammar, we take it for granted that there is an…
Editor's Note Delhi. Dilli. Dilwalon ki Dilli. The city of, and for, the large-hearted. This…
Editor's Note The poetry of lost things. When a city, a state, is thought of…
Editor's Note There has been an initiation this year of a certain kind of Indian…
Editor's Note Centuries of slavery have been crushed—and a variety of elaborate dishes are on…
Editor's Note Is it a red-headed angel/ cherub raining his wrath on a solipsistic writer-narrator…
Editor's Note When “the factory of poetry” shuts down, the natural springs of poetry become…
Editor's Note Amir Khusraw’s Nuh sipihr (The Nine Skies) has not been translated into any…
Editor's Note To somewhat high-mindedly posit a philology of the absurd and yet dare to…
Editor's Note Daniela Speziale’s shared connections with poet Camillo Sbarbaro remind me of Robert Hass’…