I (or The End Of Life)
You talk sad.
I talk expensive.
Potato tart appetisers
are rare. Baby shrimp are rare.
But you dog!
It is true.
I am hungry.
Goodbye my waiter!
It is closing time.
II (or It Is The Nature of The Weightless To Soar)
Inside I am blue.
You are invisible within.
For those watching
you are an elegant dinosaur
I am a blue whale
When you soar
I cry
for you
for me.
III (or Death By Sigh)
Your antstep sighs,
the unnoticed soft infinity
I hunger for, when
my lungs dance
to the percussion
of your lips.
IV (or Identity)
I am a circle
Living in a circle,
but whole.
V (or Silhouette Of a Boy I Find Beautiful)
An acquaintance breeze
interrupts me.
He wafts in and out
of my room
every hour
shattering my skin
with every goodbye.
A quiet indignity
to my eyebrows
even as, a riddle
unravelled itself,
into a mess of four-dimensional puns,
thread and bees.
VII (or A Quiet Ache)
The world is amazed
to watch
a cube,
a quiet liar,
chase after sculptures
searching eyes
for beauty
that will burn.
VII (or Nightmares of the heart)
That choking feeling
The faint smell on breath
that never truly washes away.
Some screaming day
They will find me, only to
Abandon me forever.
VIII (or Dramatic Mouse)
A dramatic mouse
Stole my blanket
The other night.
He ran out the window
Weighed down by my
Purple, fuzzy blanket,
“To cheese, or not to cheese!”
IX (or Unconditional)
I would cut out my heart
for you.
But it is my surgeon’s daughter’s birthday.
Perhaps in the morning.
X (or Solitude)
I like having company
to ignore.